CHAP. 9. The argument interrupted by the preceding quotation is now resumed. The divine-ness and the beauty of the arrangements of the old covenant are admitted, and their significance, Hebrews 9:1-5; but they belonged to this world (Hebrews 9:1) and gave no peace to the conscience, and no free access to God; a provisional and ineffective institute awaiting the time when all should be reformed and completed, Hebrews 9:6-10. That time is now come. The entrance into the holiest is now opened; provision is made for the full forgiveness of all transgressions, even those under the ancient law (see Hebrews 9:15); and the conscience is purified by the efficacy of the blood of Christ, who is again to manifest Himself to those who wait for Him, and will bring in complete salvation, Hebrews 9:11-28.

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Old Testament