James 1:3. Knowing this being well assured of the fact, the reason or ground of the joy.

that the trying. These temptations are regarded as the tests or proofs of faith, and in this consists their value. By them faith is being tested as gold in the furnace, and is thus recognised and purified.

of your faith: of your firm confidence and trust in the Gospel. Faith here is not used objectively for the doctrines of Christianity; but subjectively for our personal persuasion of the truth of the Gospel.

worketh, produceth, patience. By patience here is not meant so much freedom from murmuring and repining, as endurance stedfastness or perseverance in the faith of the Gospel under these temptations. The Jewish Christians by their trials were tempted to apostatize from Christianity. A period of trial is a period of testing; the true metal is purified, not consumed. Those who are true believers stand the trial; the trying of their faith produceth endurance. Those who are not true believers fall away; ‘in time of temptation,' says our Lord, ‘they fall away' (Luke 8:13). With respect to joy in temptation, because it produceth patience, compare the language of St. Paul: ‘We glory in tribulation, knowing that tribulation worketh patience (endurance), and patience experience (approval),' (Romans 5:3-4).

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Old Testament