John 1:10. He was in the world, and the world came into being through him, and the world knew him not. The subject is still the Light, which (John 1:9) was existent, and was ‘coming into the world.' In the world, indeed, it was already (though the complete manifestation was yet to come), and here the figure passes imperceptibly away, giving place to the thought of the Person the world, though brought into being through Him, recognised not His presence. Note the simplicity of John's style, in which the three thoughts of the verse, though very various in their mutual relations, are, so to speak, placed side by side. These words relate both to the Pre-incarnate and to the Incarnate Word. The development is rather of thought than of time. Alike before His manifestation in the flesh and after it, the Word was ‘in the world.' The statement must not be limited to the manifestation of Christ in Israel. This verse is a repetition, in a more concrete form, of John 1:3-5 (in part).

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Old Testament