John 10:27-28. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any one pluck them out of my hand. In these verses is given a description of the true sheep. The description is rhythmical, and rises to a climax. The first couplet expresses some property of the sheep, the second a corresponding attitude or action of the Shepherd; and each successive couplet takes us into a higher sphere of thought and blessing.

1. My sheep hear my voice,

And I know them;

2. And they follow me,

And I give unto them eternal life,

3. And they shall never perish.

And no one shall pluck them out of my hand.

The couplets, as will be seen, express successively the mutual recognition of sheep and Shepherd (for this is the meaning conveyed by the word here rendered ‘know,' see the note on John 10:14-15); the present gift of eternal life to those who follow Jesus (see chap. John 8:12, etc.); the lasting safety of those who thus follow Him and abide with Him. The description presents a complete contrast to the action of ‘the Jews' who were not of His sheep (John 10:26); who, though He had so often manifested Himself to them by word and work, yet had never recognised His voice, but came to Him saying, ‘If Thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.' From this contrast arises the order of the clauses in these verses, an order different from that in John 10:14.

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Old Testament