John 15:10. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept the Father's commandments, and abide in his love. The disciples have heard the words ‘abide in my love.' How are they to do so? The words before us are an answer to the question; and they constitute a parallel to those which we have already met at John 14:20-21, only that now we read not merely of ‘being,' but of ‘abiding,' the characteristic word of this chapter. It is not simply the doing of special commandments that is thought of (comp. on chap. John 13:34), but a complete adoption of the Father‘s will by the Son and of the Son's will by us: and this is not spoken of as a proof of love, but as the condition which makes continued love possible. The Father never ceases to love the Son, because the Son's will is the expression of His own. The Son never ceases to love His disciples, because their will is the expression of His will; and without this harmony of will and act union and fellowship are impossible.

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Old Testament