John 5:25. Verily, verily, I say unto you. The third ‘Verily, verily,' introducing the third step in the argument.

An hour cometh, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that have heard shall live. What was said of John 5:24 applies here also; for this verse has a direct connection with that which precedes it (‘heareth my word' rises into ‘shall hear the voice of the Son of God'); and yet a still more important link unites it with the opening words of the discourse, especially with John 5:20, ‘He will show Him greater works.' In the 21 st and 22 d verses, these works are looked at in their own nature as done by the Son; in the 24 th verse, they are looked at in their effect on the believer. Now, the ‘will show' is brought into prominence, for it is of the historical fulfilment of those words that the verse before us speaks. ‘An hour cometh' when the Son's power to give life to the dead (John 5:21) shall be manifested. Of the two spheres in which this power is exercised this verse has in view one only; the ‘dead' are those who are spiritually dead. In regard to these alone could it be said that the hour has already begun (‘an hour cometh, and now is') , or would the limitation in the last words be in place, ‘ they that have heard shall live.' The general meaning therefore is the same as that of the last verse; but, as it is to ‘the dead' that the Son speaks, we here read of ‘the voice' and not ‘the word.' In saying ‘the voice of the Son of God,' Jesus recalls to our thought all the majesty of His first words (John 5:11; John 5:17; John 5:19).

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Old Testament