John 5:41. Glory from men I receive not. The last nine verses have been an expansion of John 5:31; this verse goes back to the 30 th, in which Jesus first contrasts His spirit with theirs, His devotion to the Father's will with their self-seeking. The rest of the chapter is a development of this thought. Yet there is no abrupt break at John 5:40. Jesus has been speaking of the refusal of the Jews to ‘believe ‘Him and ‘come to' Him as the sufficient and certain evidence of the evil of their hearts. But in so speaking He is not aiming at His own honour, or seeking fame from men. In every claim for Himself He seeks His Father's glory; and the possession of that spirit is the test of the truth and righteousness which are well-pleasing to the Father: see chap. John 7:18; John 12:43.

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Old Testament