John 8:13. The Pharisees therefore said unto him, Thou bearest witness concerning thyself; thy witness is not true. It seems impossible not to believe that we have here a reminiscence of Christ's own words (chap. John 5:31), of which His enemies now take hold, that they may turn them against Himself. Since the discourse of chap. 5, the Pharisees of Jerusalem have never possessed so favourable an opportunity of thus seeking to repel the claims which Jesus asserts. As used by oar Lord (in chap. 5), the words signify that, if His testimony concerning Himself stood alone, not only would it (according to all laws of evidence) be invalid, but it would be untrue, as the very thought of such unsupported witness would conflict with the fundamental truth of chap. John 5:19. Here the words, as applied by His foes, are intended to have the same meaning: His solitary testimony has no validity, and, by His own confession, is untrue.

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Old Testament