John 8:7. But when they continued asking him, he lifted up h imself and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him be the first to cast the stone upon her. The scribes and Pharisees press for an answer. Then Jesus lifted Himself up (as we may well believe) with slow and solemn dignity, and spoke the words recorded of Him with a glance which must have showed His hearers that He read their hearts. They had no official right to condemn the woman; and our Lord's words embodied the truth, which finds always, as it found now, an answer in the heart of man, that we have no personal right to judge the guilty unless we ourselves are free from blame. There seems no reason to confine the thought of ‘sin' here to the particular sin with which the woman was chargeable; the expression is quite general. It is from the mention of ‘the stone' that we may draw the conclusion that the woman's accusers had stones in their hands.

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Old Testament