Jude 1:17. Nor has any new thing happened to you. All this was foreseen and foretold. You yourselves know it; you have only to ‘remember the words spoken before by the apostles' (as in Acts 20:29-30; 1 Timothy 4:1, where the evils are foretold, as in nearly every Epistle they are set forth the double meaning of ‘spoken before'). Most, indeed, of these passages are written, not spoken; but the writing is really the putting into permanent form of what in substance had been orally delivered. The language here used, ‘by the apostles,' does not necessarily imply that the writer was not an apostle; but if he had been an apostle, it is more likely he would not have used it. Compare the expression in 2 Peter 3:2, ‘of us the apostles,' or, as the Revised reading is, ‘through your apostles.'

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Old Testament