Luke 1:78. Because of the tender mercy of our God. This is to be joined closely with Luke 1:77, giving the cause of the ‘remission.'

In which, i.e., in the exercise of this tender mercy.

The dayspring from on high. An allusion to the Messiah and His salvation, as prophesied in Malachi 4:2, the last prophecy of the Old Testament. The Messiah is figuratively presented by the word ‘Dayspring,' the springing up of the light, of the sun (not of a plant, as some have supposed). To this the phrase ‘on high,' is joined, because the Messiah comes from on high; the dayspring does not, and it seems impossible to preserve the figure throughout by any explanation.

Shall visit us. The future (sustained by the best authorities) is more distinctly prophetic of the speedy coming of the Messiah.

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Old Testament