Luke 11:49. Therefore also said the wisdom of God. Comp. Matthew 23:34, where ‘I' is used; so that Christ represents Himself as ‘the wisdom of God.' This seems to be a quotation, but there is no passage in the Old Testament which fully corresponds, and the form is an unusual one for such a quotation. Explanations: (1) An amplification of 2 Chronicles 24:19, made by Him who is ‘the wisdom of God.' That passage speaks of the sending of prophets and their rejection, and is connected with the dying words of Zechariah: ‘The Lord look upon it and require it.' This is on the whole preferable. (2) Our Lord refers to His own words, as spoken on some former occasion. This is possible, but leaves us in uncertainty. (3) A quotation from some unknown Jewish book. This is out of the question. (4) The notion that Luke is quoting Matthew 23:34, etc., and inserts: ‘the wisdom of God,' because in his day this passage was thus spoken of in the church, is a mere assumption.

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Old Testament