Luke 12:49. I came to cast fire upon the earth. This is explained by most, as referring to the gift of the Holy Spirit. This was a baptism (Luke 12:50) with fire, resulting in the ‘division' spoken of in Luke 12:51-53. Others refer it to the word of God. The view that the ‘fire' means the ‘division' itself obscures the whole passage; how could our Lord unconditionally wish for the latter. ‘Cast upon the earth,' refers to the powerful and sudden influence of the day of Pentecost. Others refer the clause to the extraordinary spiritual excitement which His gospel would awaken. But this was the result of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

How would I that it were already kindled! Our Lord here expresses a desire for kindling of this ‘fire,' but there is much difference of opinion as to the exact meaning of the original. The form we give is the most natural interpretation. Another view takes the clause as question and answer: ‘What do I wish? Would that it were already kindled!' The E. V., though most literal, is not correct; but the fire certainly was not yet kindled.

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Old Testament