Luke 14:23. Go out into the highways and hedges. This refers to the spread of the gospel among the Gentiles. ‘Quickly' is not added, for this was a work of time. This succeeds the return of the servant, as the calling of the Gentiles did the Ascension of Christ. This going out was done through others, and it may be intentional, that there is no mention of the same servant's himself undertaking this duty.

Constrain them to come in. Moral constraint alone is meant. True missionary zeal so differs from all other impulse that it may well be spoken of as a ‘constraining' of men to enter the kingdom of God.

That my house may be filled. Since the days of St. Augustine this passage has been abused to countenance the forcible compulsion of heretics. Guests will be ‘furnished:' God's purposes of mercy will not fail.

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Old Testament