Luke 18:13. Standing. Simply standing, not putting himself into an attitude or position.

Afar off. Probably, from the sanctuary, thus indicating his humility before God. Possibly, too, from the Pharisees thus indicating that he did not deem himself as other men, out morally below them. Still he was not thinking much of others; the matter was between him and God alone.

Would not lift up, etc. This hints that the Pharisee had done so, doubtless lifting up his hands also, as was the custom.

Smote upon his breast. The usual gesture of sorrow.

God be merciful, or, ‘be propitiated,' addressed to God, not an ejaculation.

To me a sinner. There is no comparison with others. He thinks of himself as though he were the great and only sinner. As the Pharisee proudly gave thanks, the publican humbly petitions, and for the one thing he most needs. How God can be merciful to sinners is not declared here, since Christ had not yet died for sinners. This petition is the only one a sinner can offer or may offer, but it may and can be answered only for Christ's sake.

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Old Testament