Luke 2:35. Yea, a sword shall pierce through thine own soul. The sentence is parallel with the last, and should not be put in parentheses. The rejection and suffering of Christ has just been indicated; with this the grief of Mary will correspond. The culmination of her grief is at the culmination of His sorrows: the sword pierces deepest at the cross. This is the key-note of the Stabat Mater Dolorosa, This ancient interpretation is preferable to later ones: such as a reference to Mary's anguish for sin, or her doubt about the Messiahship of her son.

That thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed. Neutrality with respect to this one, will be impossible. Whether men fall or rise, the appearance of this child will reveal their secret heart, and this will be done through the cross, to which there is a latent reference throughout. The test is faith in the Crucified One (1 Corinthians 1:23-24).

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Old Testament