Luke 2:40. And the child grew. Comp, the account of John's youth (chap. Luke 1:80). The next section illustrates what is stated in this verse, and Luke 2:52 repeats and extends the statement. Growth of body is mentioned first, a point not to be overlooked.

And waxed strong. The words ‘in spirit' are inserted from chap. Luke 1:80, and refer the statement to mental and spiritual development; but without this interpolation the sense is: Our Lord in His genuine human development, grew strong as he grew in body, had a healthy physical growth.

Being (or ‘becoming') filled with wisdom. In mind and spirit too He grew. This being filled with wisdom was an increase of knowledge in proportion to His physical growth, including as the next incident (especially Luke 2:49) plainly implies, an increasing consciousness of God as His Father, an awakening of His own divine-human consciousness, a recognition of Himself, a revelation of the wisdom belonging to His Divine nature. For this ‘wisdom ‘was in Him and is distinguished from what is stated next: and the grace of God (the favor of God His Father) was upon him. Comp. Luke 2:52.

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Old Testament