Luke 20:34-35. Peculiar to Luke, who however omits the solemn opening rebuke: ‘Ye do err,' etc. (Matt., Mark).

The torn of this world; here used in the physical sense, i.e., those actually living in the present order of things.

Marry, and are given in marriage. There is no reference to the moral character of the persons thus described; ‘this world' simply meaning the period preceding the resurrection at the return of the Messiah. The verse cannot be used to prove the superior holiness of celibacy.

Accounted worthy, i.e., at the coming of the Lord. Here the moral character is spoken of.

To obtain that world, the state of life after the coming of the Messiah, which is introduced by the resurrection from the dead. This means the first resurrection of the righteous (chap. Luke 14:14), and the statement probably includes those believers who are living at the Second Advent.

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Old Testament