Luke 21:12. But before all these things. Matthew says ‘then,' and Mark also seems to imply that the persecutions would follow the signs, etc. (Luke 21:11-12). But the discrepancy is only apparent. The passage in Matthew (Matthew 24:6) tells of what shall take place before the end comes, then in Matthew 24:7-8 (corresponding to Luke 21:10-11, here) of certain things which are ‘the beginning of sorrows' (Matthew 24:9), actually a part of the final throes, introducing these as a proof (‘for,' Matthew 24:7) that ‘the end is not yet'): afterwards in Matthew 24:9 (corresponding to Luke 21:12 here) the point of time spoken of in Matthew 24:6, is resumed, and ‘then' (i.e., while ‘the end is not yet') introduces the prediction of persecution.

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Old Testament