Luke 21:15. Peculiar to Luke, but comp. Matthew 10:19-20.

A month and wisdom. The former refers to the words they were to utter; the latter, to the gift of delivering these words appropriately. According to others, ‘mouth' refers to the form, ‘wisdom' to the thought. In any case both thought and word would be needed. The inspired thought could only be expressed in words, and must affect the words.

Not be able to withstand or gainsay; ‘withstand' corresponds to ‘wisdom'; ‘gainsay' to ‘mouth.' Comp. Acts 6:10, as a specimen of fulfilment. There is, however, no reference to Stephen here, as those who deny any prophecy would affirm. The prophecy was literally fulfilled, and the condemning to death was often a confession that the words of the martyrs could not be answered.

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Old Testament