ON THE RESURRECTION. See the _Introductory Note to Matthew 28._ Of the
five appearances there grouped as occurring on the day of the
resurrection, Luke omits all mention of (1) and (2). He, however,
details the appearances of (4) and (5) in the subsequent part of this
chapter, telling of (3) in Luke... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:1. The latter part of the verse preceding should be prefixed.
BUT, having rested during the Sabbath, ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK,
AT EARLY DAWN. This agrees with the other accounts.
THEY CAME, etc., _i.e._, the women spoken of in chap. Luke 23:55-56.
It is evident from that passage as we... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:3. AND THEY ENTERED IN. This we think is the entrance spoken
of in Mark 16:5.... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:4. PERPLEXED THEREABOUT. A natural state of mind, even if they
had some hope of His rising, for now He seemed lost to them. Comp.
Mary Magdalene's expression (John 20:2-13).
TWO MEN. This was the form of the angelic appearance.
STOOD BY THEM. As this word (comp. chap, Luke 2:9: ‘the ange... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:5. BOWED DOWN THEIR FACES TO THE EARTH. Peculiar to Luke.
WHY SEEK YE THE LIVING AMONG THE DEAD? Why seek ye one who is living
and no longer dead in the place where the dead are looked for. The
term ‘living,' or ‘him that liveth,' may have here a higher
significance. Christ is the Living O... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:6. REMEMBER, etc. This they had forgotten naturally enough in
the circumstances.
WHEN HE WAS YET IN GALILEE, _i.e._, with them in Galilee, their home
(Luke 23:55). This verse has occasioned difficulty, in view of the
fact that according to Matthew and Mark Galilee was spoken of by the
ange... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:7. SAYING THAT THE SON OF MAN, etc. Comp. Luke 9:22; Luke
18:32. The announcements in these passages were made to the Twelve,
but Mark 8 shows that a wider circle heard them. The angel knew of
this. The term ‘Son of Man' is here quoted; it is not otherwise
applied to Christ after the resurre... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:9. AND TOLD ALL THESE THINGS. Comp. Mark 16:8. The accounts,
despite the variations, complement each other. Their doubt is brought
forward there where the command is mentioned, here where nothing is
said of the command we have the final obedience, which however
followed the appearance of Jes... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:10. This verse is somewhat parenthetical, and its exact form
are mentioned first,... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:11. THESE WORDS (or, ‘sayings'). The original indicates that
accounts were given by different persons.
APPEARED IN THEIR SIGHT. A full expression, more than ‘seemed to
IDLE TALK. ‘Nonsense and superstitious gossip.'... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:12. BUT PETER AROSE. ‘Then' is incorrect, for it is not
implied that this happened after the women returned. The unbelief just
mentioned is contrasted with the conduct of impulsive Peter. Luke does
not mention John, but Luke 24:24 shows that he does not exclude him.
The details agree so clos... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:13. TWO OF THEM, _i.e.,_ of those spoken of at the close of
Luke 24:9. It is unlikely that they were Apostles (comp. Luke 24:33).
One was named ‘Cleopas' (Luke 24:18), but we know nothing further.
The name seems to be == Cleopatrus (as Antipas == Antipatros), and a
different one from Clopas... [ Continue Reading ]
This section is peculiar to Luke, although Mark 16:12 refers to the
same event. This is the _fourth_ appearance of our Lord; that to Peter
(Luke 24:34) having been passed over in the narrative. The
particularity of detail, and the fact that the whole chapter seems to
give the impressions of one of t... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:14. AND THEY WERE COMMUNING, etc. The substance of their
conversation is evident from Luke 24:19-24.... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:15. JESUS HIMSELF DREW NEAR. Probably coming from behind and
overtaking them, since He WENT WITH THEM. Further, they assume that He
had been in Jerusalem (Luke 24:18). Jesus draws near to commune _with_
those who commune _of_ Him.... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:16. BUT THEIR EYES WERE HOLDEN, etc. He Himself prevented
their knowing Him; and this was His purpose of love; He would conceal
only to reveal more fully. Thus he could best explain to them the
meaning of His own death; immediate recognition would have filled them
with a tumult of joy, fear,... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:17. WHAT COMMUNICATIONS? Some earnest disputing is meant,
though no blame is implied. This implies also that He walked with them
for a time before He thus spoke.
AND THEY STOOD STILL, LOOKING SAD. This is the reading now generally
accepted. It suggests that the interruption was unwelcome,... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:18. ONE OF THEM. The best authorities omit ‘the.'
CLEOPAS. See Luke 24:13.
literal translation would be: ‘Dost thou alone sojourn at Jerusalem
and not know,' etc. It might mean: ‘Dost thou sojourn alone, and
(hence) not... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:19. WHAT THINGS? Our Lord says nothing in regard to either
point which Cleopas had assumed (Luke 24:18), but puts a question to
draw them out. It was the wisdom of love, concealing without falsehood
or deceit.
AND THEY SAID. Probably Cleopas, the other chiming in. But it is
unnecessary to... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:20. AND HOW. The connection is with Luke 24:18; Hast not known
OUR RULERS. These disciples were therefore Jews; and they probably
thought their new companion was also of their race.
DELIVERED HIM. This was the act of the rulers.
TO BE CONDEMNED TO DEATH. Lit., to the condemnation... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:21. Here we see most distinctly the conflict of hope and fear
in the minds of the disciples. It seems as though they were thinking
aloud, unmindful of the supposed stranger.
BUT WE (on our part over against the hostility of the rulers) HOPED.
They do not say they had believed this, or that... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:22. MOREOVER. Here too there is a contrast, as much as to say:
We were well-nigh hopeless, yet other occurrences aroused our hope,
without however fulfilling it (Luke 24:24).
OF OUR COMPANY, cherishing the same HOPE.
Amazed us. This strong expression indicates the effect produced upon
the... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:23. The narrative agrees with Luke 24:2-11.
THAT THEY HAD ALSO SEEN. Not finding what they sought, they had
‘also' seen what they did not seek, and heard what they could
scarcely believe.... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:24. AND CERTAIN OF THEM THAT WERE WITH US. This may properly
be referred to the Apostles, Peter and John. They would not speak of
them by name, or as Apostles, to this apparent stranger. Knowing from
other sources that John accompanied Peter (John 20:2-10), we have a
right to use this verse... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:25. AND HE SAID TO THEM. Something in Him led them to speak so
freely of their perplexity; with a word He might now have turned their
sorrow into joy, but He would give them thorough instruction. He
answers, not in a tone of pity, but of rebuke, as one competent to
teach them.
O FOOLISH ME... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:26. BEHOOVED IT NOT (according to these prophecies) THE CHRIST
(of whom they speak) to suffer these things (which have made you sad),
AND (according to the prophets, by just such sufferings) TO ENTER INTO
HIS GLORY? The ground of these prophecies lies in a deeper necessity.
If we may thus sp... [ Continue Reading ]
each in order, Moses first, and then beginning with each of the others
in turn.
IN ALL THE SCRIPTURES, going through the whole Old Testament.
THE THINGS CONCERNING HIMSELF. The reproof of Luke 24:25, and the
phrase ‘in all the Sc... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:28. HE MADE AS THOUGH, etc. It is not implied that He said He
would go further, but was about to pass on. As a matter of decorum He
must thus do, until they should invite Him to stop. This called forth
their desire and request. It was still concealing to reveal more
fully.... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:29. AND THEY CONSTRAINED HIM, by urgent entreaty. The ground
of their conduct is found in Luke 24:32.
ABIDE WITH US. Emmaus _may,_ or may not, have been their home, but
they certainly felt themselves at home in the village.
repe... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:30. AND IT CAME TO PASS, etc. The meal must have been soon
ready, as the day was far spent, and as Luke 24:32 gives no hint of
any continued conversation in the house.
HE TOOK THE BREAD. In so doing He assumed the duty of the master of
the house. This favors the view that it was not the ho... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:31. AND THEIR EYES WERE OPENED. The supernatural influence
spoken of in Luke 24:16 was re-moved.
AND THEY KNEW HIM. Natural causes may have aided them. There may have
been something peculiar in the manner of breaking the bread and
uttering the blessing, that recalls their previous intercou... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:32. WAS NOT OUR HEART BURNING WITHIN US? Extraordinary and
tender emotion is meant; joy, hope, desire or affection, probably of
all combined. The implied thought is: Such an effect ought to have
made us recognize Him; but it did not.
WHILE HE OPENED. The particular form of His instruction... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:33. THAT VERY HOUR. Probably leaving the meal untouched. If
the hour were six P.M., they would reach Jerusalem at no late hour,
since their joy would occasion a rapid gait.
THE ELEVEN, _i.e.,_ the Apostles. Thomas was absent. GATHERED
TOGETHER. According to John 20:19, ‘the doors were shut... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:34. THE LORD IS RISEN INDEED. The emphasis rests on
‘indeed;' they had half hoped so, but had now good evidence. Notice
the two came with good tidings to strengthen their brethren, and
themselves are strengthened.
AND APPEARED TO SIMON. Undoubtedly Peter is meant; no other Simon
would be t... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:35. AND THEY; the two disciples on their part
IN THE BREAKING OF THE BREAD. The agency was Christ opening of their
holden eyes, the instrumentality was that act during which the
recognition took place. As this was not a celebration of the Lord's
Supper, the phrase cannot be used in support... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:36. AND AS THEY SPAKE THESE THINGS. Mark's account hints at
unbelief, and their subsequent fear suggests the same.
HE HIMSELF STOOD. A sudden miraculous appearing is meant,
corresponding to the disappearance in Luke 24:31. John's account (Luke
20:16), telling of closed doors, confirms this... [ Continue Reading ]
We assume that Luke did not intend us to regard the whole chapter as
the history of one day. Luke must explain Luke, and Acts 1:3 shows
that the Evangelist places forty days between Luke 24:36 and Luke
24:50. There is nothing here to indicate that he was not aware of the
longer interval when he wrot... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:37. TERRIFIED AND AFFRIGHTED. John's account also implies
this. It was now, not hopelessness, but terror in fear of the sudden
appearance, at night too. If we bear in mind the command to go into
Galilee (Matthew, Mark), we shall conclude that it was utterly
AND SUPPOSED THAT TH... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:38. WHY ARE YE TROUBLED! The kindly rebuke was deserved.
AND WHEREFORE DO QUESTIONINGS, ‘scruples of a discouraging nature,
doubting and gainsaying thoughts,' ARISE IN YOUR HEART! These
prevented them from at once and unhesitatingly recognizing Him,
identifying Him.... [ Continue Reading ]
comparison with John's account leads us to find here a proof of His
_identity,_ from the wounds in His hands and feet. Since these members
were uncovered, there is possibly even here a proof of the _reality_
of the appearance.
HANDLE ME,... [ Continue Reading ]
identity, but also as ‘ _signs of victory,_ proofs of His triumph
over death. Moreover therefore and this is properly the deepest sense
of His entering salutation as the _sign of peace,_ the peace of the
sacrificial death, of the complet... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:41. WERE STILL UNBELIEVING FOR JOY. How natural! The
_identity_ was proven, but the _reality_ was still a matter of doubt
to them, especially as the fact seemed too glorious to be believed.
HAVE YE ANYTHING TO EAT! This question was designed to prove most
conclusively that He was not a spi... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:42. AND OF A HONEYCOMB. These words are omitted in many
ancient authorities, and rejected by some modern editors. We prefer to
retain them, since there are a number of reasons to account for their
being left out, and more to account for their being put in by the
copyists.... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:43. AND DID EAT BEFORE THEM. The mere appearance of eating is
out of the question: He really ate, and furnished a proof of His
reality.... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:44. THESE ARE MY WORDS. These things which I thus prove to you
are the realization of my words.
WHICH I SPAKE ONTO YOU. On such occasions as chap. Luke 18:31-33;
Luke 22:37; Matthew 26:56, probably on many others, not recorded.
WHILE I WAS YET WITH YOU, _i.e.,_ before death. Death had se... [ Continue Reading ]
OUR LORD'S RESURRECTION BODY. The Gospel statements indicate-that at
this time our Lord had a real body, identical with His
pre-resurrection body and with His glorified body, and yet differing
from both, especially from the former. ‘It is palpable, not only as
a whole, but also in its different part... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:45. THEN OPENED HE THEIR UNDERSTANDING, etc. Not only must the
Scriptures be opened for the understanding, but the understanding for
the Scriptures. This was doubtless the work of repeated interviews, as
is hinted in Acts 1:3, and evident from the remarkable proficiency in
the interpretation... [ Continue Reading ]
Here, as everywhere, suffering and glory are inseparably connected.... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:47. AND THAT, etc. This is part of what was ‘written.'
REPENTANCE AND REMISSION OF SINS. These two things are inseparably
connected. Comp. the preaching of John the Baptist, and of the
Apostles (Acts 2:38; Acts 3:19; Acts 26:18).
IN HIS NAME. The preaching derives all its significance an... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:48. Ye. The Apostles, but others may have been present Acts
1:22 hints that others saw Him ascend.
WITNESSES. As such they were to proclaim the facts (Luke 24:46), and
the repentance and remission based upon them; and thus be the
fulfillers of the prophecies summed up in Luke 24:47.
THES... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:49. I SEND FORTH. So our Lord speaks in John 15:26; John 16:7
and Peter (Acts 2:33) ascribes the gift of the Holy Ghost to the
exalted Saviour. ‘Ye, on the earth, give testimony; and I, from
heaven, give you power to do so' (Godet).
THE PROMISE OF MY FATHER UPON YOU. This means the Holy Spi... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:50. LED THEM OUT. Out of the city, which has just been
mentioned (Luke 24:49).
AS FAR AS TOWARDS BETHANY. Probably over the brow of the Mount of
Olives to the descent towards Bethany. In Acts 1, Luke says nothing of
their going out to the Mount of Olives, but takes for granted this
previou... [ Continue Reading ]
ON THE FACT OF THE ASCENSION. This must be accepted on unimpeachable
evidence. Meyer affirms this, adding: ‘For besides being reported
historically (here, Acts 1; Mark 16), it was expressly foretold by
Jesus Himself (John 20:17; comp. the hint in John 6:62), and is
expressly mentioned by the Apostle... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:51. WHILE HE BLESSED THEM. Not _after,_ but during this
benediction with uplifted hands.
HE PARTED FROM THEM. This may mean only: He went a little distance
from them, but it is better to understand it of the first separation
made by His Ascension.
AND WAS CARRIED UP INTO HEAVEN. The tense... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:52. WORSHIPPED HIM. As He went up; hence a more exalted
worship than the homage accorded Him during His ministry.
WITH GREAT JOY. Terror at His bodily presence (Luke 24:37), joy after
His bodily disappearance and exaltation, which was a pledge of the
victory of His cause (comp. John 14:28)... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 24:53. CONTINUALLY IN THE TEMPLE. At the stated hours of prayer,
not ‘all the time.' It is not necessary then to suppose that the
‘upper room' (Acts 1:13) belonged to the temple buildings. An
anticipation of the description of the life in the Apostolic Church
given in Acts 2:46; Acts 3:1; Acts... [ Continue Reading ]