Luke 24:30. And it came to pass, etc. The meal must have been soon ready, as the day was far spent, and as Luke 24:32 gives no hint of any continued conversation in the house.

He took the bread. In so doing He assumed the duty of the master of the house. This favors the view that it was not the home of the disciples. Our Lord was no doubt wont to act thus when eating with His disciples; so that this was a preparation for the subsequent recognition. The meal was an ordinary one, and in no sense a celebration of the Lord's Supper, although it teaches lessons appropriate to that ordinance.

And blessed it. According to Jewish usage: ‘Three who eat together are bound to give thanks.' Neither the breaking nor the giving to them would be deemed remarkable. Yet the form of the original reminds of the feeding of the multitudes and of the Lord's Supper. The more exact grouping is: ‘taking the bread, He blessed, and breaking it, He gave to them.'

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Old Testament