Luke 24:31. And their eyes were opened. The supernatural influence spoken of in Luke 24:16 was re-moved.

And they knew him. Natural causes may have aided them. There may have been something peculiar in the manner of breaking the bread and uttering the blessing, that recalls their previous intercourse with him; or they may have discovered in the hands opened to give thanks the marks of the wounds. Still the main fact remains: ‘their eyes were opened,' and as an immediate result ‘they knew Him.'

And he vanished out of their sight. Luke certainly means to describe an extraordinary disappearance; not a becoming invisible to them but a supernatural removal from them. On the bodily nature of the Risen Redeemer, see next section. The reason for this sudden removal is to be found in the wise method by which our Lord would teach His bewildered followers that He had actually risen from the dead.

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Old Testament