Luke 24:44. These are my words. These things which I thus prove to you are the realization of my words.

Which I spake onto you. On such occasions as chap. Luke 18:31-33; Luke 22:37; Matthew 26:56, probably on many others, not recorded.

While I was yet with you, i.e., before death. Death had separated them, and the previous companionship was not reestablished after the resurrection.

That, i.e., to this effect that. The purport of the words is now expressed.

In the law of Moses, and the prophets, and the Psalms. The Jews divided the Old Testament into Law, Prophets, and Hagiographa. The Pentateuch formed the first division: Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, and the Prophets (except Daniel), the second; the remaining books were the Hagiographa. The original indicates that our Lord thus speaks of the Old Testament to show that in all its parts there was a prophetic unity. At the same time there is no objection to supposing He referred to the prophets and the book of Psalms in the stricter sense, since in these the most striking prophecies of the Messiah are found.

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Old Testament