Luke 6:32-36. See on Matthew 5:45-48; where, however, the order is different.

In Luke 6:32-33, thank (lit. ‘grace') corresponds with ‘reward' in Matthew.

Never despairing (Luke 6:35). Peculiar to Luke, and a peculiar expression. The common interpretation, however appropriate, does not convey the usual sense of the original, which means: ‘despairing in regard to nothing,' i.e. regarding nothing that you thus do as lost, for the reason that ‘your reward shall be great, etc. A slight change of reading, supported by some authorities, gives the sense: ‘despairing of no one.'

Sons of the most High, i.e., of God, here and now, as evidenced by family resemblance.

Merciful (Luke 6:36). In substance the same thought as Matthew 5:48. The likeness to Divine perfections can exist only in moral qualities; highest among these is mercy.

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Old Testament