Luke 7:38. Standing behind at his feet weeping, etc. She came to our Lord, as He reclined at table; standing by Him, leaning over His feet, her tears of penitence began to flow, and thus she began to wet his feet with her tears. Her tears dropped on his feet. That she intended to do this is unlikely. Genuine emotion is not intentional; only unbidden tears are precious. Her intention was to kiss and anoint His feet, but coming for that purpose the precious ointment of her penitent heart first flowed from her weeping eyes. Then carrying out her purpose, she wiped His feet with the hair of her head, and kissing them (repeatedly, as the original implies) as a token of honor and affection, she anointed them with the ointment. In Luke 7:44-46 our Lord enumerates her actions in this order. Her unbidden tears outran the prepared ointment; and were more precious in the sight of the Lord.

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Old Testament