Mark 1:38. Let us go elsewhere into the next towns . Spoken to the disciples, who are invited to go with Him. The answer to the multitude is given by Luke (Luke 4:43): ‘I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also.'

That I may preach there also. Not to work miracles, but to preach; though He did both (Mark 1:39). The crowd gathered because of the works He performed, but His great object was to teach. Although indifferent to the immediate wish of the multitudes, He shows His desire to really bless them, by seeking them even while all sought Him.

For to this end came I forth, i.e., from God. Luke: ‘therefore am I sent.' Probably neither the disciples nor the multitude understood this. It surely means more than that for this reason He came out of Capernaum or out of the house, because that coming forth (Mark 1:35) was to pray, not to preach.

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Old Testament