Mark 13:14-20. See on Matthew 24:15-22. Here, as there, the prominent reference is to the destruction of Jerusalem, answering the question of the disciples more directly than what precedes. ‘Spoken of by Daniel the prophet,' is to be omitted; probably inserted from Matthew.

Where it ought not (Mark 13:14) is less definite than ‘in the holy place' (Matthew). ‘Your flight' (Mark 13:18) was probably inserted to conform with Matthew.

The like (Mark 13:19). Peculiar to Mark, who gives a peculiarly solemn form of this prediction, in accordance with his style.

Whom he chose (Mark 13:20).

Did he shorten the days. In this vivid way, the choice of believers, and the shortening of the days are spoken of as past, both being parts of God's purpose, which will be fulfilled.

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Old Testament