Mark 16:12. After these things. This expression, peculiar to this section, marks definitely a second appearance, after the ‘first' (Mark 16:9). The appearance to Peter is not mentioned; the author is emphasizing the unbelief of the eleven, so that he chooses a revelation to two, not of their number.

Was manifested (a different word from that used in Mark 16:9), etc. See Luke 24:13-35, where this manifestation is narrated with richness of detail.

In another form, so that they did not recognize Him. Luke, says: ‘their eyes were holden.' But there was some actual difference in the bodily appearance of our Lord.

Two of them, of the disciples in the wider sense (Mark 16:10-11).

As they walked, to Emmaus. The manifestation took place at the close of the walk, but this is the language of brevity. Had the account been more explicit, a captious criticism would have asserted that this verse was copied from Luke.

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Old Testament