SEE notes on Matthew 14:22-36; John 6:15-25. Mark omits the attempt of Peter to walk on the water; otherwise his account closely resembles that of Matthew, but with the usual variations.

Mark 6:45-47. The only detail peculiar to these verses is the mention of Bethsaida. In the only other case where Mark uses this name (Mark 8:22), it undoubtedly refers to Bethsaida Julias on the eastern shore of the lake. It is most likely that the same place is meant here. Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter, is supposed to have been on the western shore, and Mark 6:45 seems to point to a place across the lake. But the disciples were driven westward, across the lake, against their will, and this can be best explained by supposing that while the ultimate destination was ‘the other side,' they were to go first to Bethsaida on the same side and there take up our Lord, after He had sent away the people. On the reason for sending them away, see John 6:15.

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Old Testament