Philip Schaff's Popular Commentary (4 vols)
Matthew 13:53
Matthew 13:53. He departed thence. The departure was to Gadara (comp. chap. Matthew 8:18; Mark 6:35 ff.); a number of events intervening between this and the second visit to Nazareth.
Matthew 13:53. He departed thence. The departure was to Gadara (comp. chap. Matthew 8:18; Mark 6:35 ff.); a number of events intervening between this and the second visit to Nazareth.
Jesus kindly asked them whether they had understood these things. If not, he was still willing to teach them. He enjoined on them their duty to make a proper use of this knowledge by speaking another...
II. THE REJECTED KINGDOM AND THE REJECTED KING. CHAPTER S 13-28. 1. The King at the Seaside. The Mysteries of the Kingdom. CHAPTER 13 1. The King at the Seaside. (Matthew 13:1 .) 2. The Parable of...
JESUS REJECTED AT NAZARETH (Mark 6:1 *, _cf._ Luke 4:16). Mt. has already used Mark 4:35 and Matthew 5. Perhaps the original reading in Matthew 13:55 is ne
When Jesus had concluded these parables, he left there. He went into his native place and he taught them in their synagogue. His teaching was such that they were astonished and said, "Where did this m...
FINISHED. Thus marking the end of this special collocation of parables, showing them to he one whole. DEPARTED. Greek. _metairo._ Occurs only here and Matthew 19:1. referring probably to His going by...
The Prophet in his own Country. Mark 6:1-6 where the incident is placed between the cure of Jairus" daughter and the mission of the Twelve, Luke 4:16-30, where our Lord's discourse in the synagogue i...
THE PROPHET IN HIS OWN COUNTRY Mark 6:1-6; Luke 4:16-30 In Mark the incident is placed between the cure of Jairus’ daughter and the mission of the Twelve; in Luke our Lord’s discourse in the synagogu...
ΜΕΤΗ͂ΡΕΝ. Only here and ch. Matthew 19:1 in N.T. The seemingly intransitive use of αἴρειν comes from the familiar phrase αἴρειν στόλον, ‘to start an expedition,’ then, the object being omitted, as in...
Ver 53. And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed thence. 54. And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were...
_THE PARABLE OF THE DRAGNET MATTHEW 13:47-58:_ The dragnet was a common way of fishing in Jesus' day and is still used today. The dragnet took in all kinds of fish. Just so, the gospel net brings all...
ΈΓΈΝΕΤΟ _aor. ind. med. (dep.) от_ ΓΊΝΟΜΑΙ, _см._ Matthew 13:21. ΈΤΈΛΕΣΕΝ _aor. ind. act. от_ ΤΕΛΈΩ (G5055) заканчивать, завершать, ΜΕΤΉΡΕΝ _aor. ind. act. от_ ΜΕΤΑΊΡΩ (G3332) изменять свое положение...
C. THE APPRECIATION FOR AND USE OF ALL TRUTH TEXT: 13:51-53 51 Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea. 52 And he said unto them, Therefore every scribe who hath been made a disc...
And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed thence. AND IT CAME TO PASS, THAT, WHEN JESUS HAD FINISHED THESE PARABLES, HE DEPARTED THENCE....
37 The history of the kingdom proclamation in Acts and what is predicted the circumcision epistles and the Unveiling fully bears out our Lord's forecast. There were the seven sons of Sceva (Act_19:15)...
SECOND VISIT TO NAZARETH AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD (Mark 6:1). The first is described Luke 4:16, where He received similar treatment and used the same proverb....
A DAY OF PARABLES 1-3a. Teaching by parables begun (Mark 4:1; Luke 8:4). This chapter introduces a new type of teaching, that by parables. St. Matthew gives us a group of seven, the first four of whic...
MATTHEW’S GOOD NEWS MATTHEW’S *GOSPEL _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 13 STORIES ABOUT WHERE GOD RULES 13:1-52 Matthew wrote down a lot of the things that Jesus taught. This chapter is the third section...
CHAPTER 11 The Parables of the Kingdom - Matthew 13:1 "THE same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side." We can well imagine that, after such a series of discouragements and mortifi...
_Visit to Nazareth_ (Mark 6:1-6, _cf._ Luke 4:16-30). In Mk. this is the next section after the parables, deducting what had previously been reported in Mt. (chaps. 8 and 9), a pretty sure sign that o...
μετῆρεν : in classics to transfer something from one place to another. Hellenistic, intransitive = to remove oneself; one of Matthew's words (Matthew 19:1)....
_Three other parables: the Treasure, the Pearl, the Net_....
HOW UNBELIEF HINDERS Matthew 13:51-58 God's truth is always new and always old. It is as fresh as the morning breeze for each coming generation. But however stated, the fundamental facts are invaria...
This chapter contains the seven parables of the Kingdom. The reason for the parabolic teaching of Christ is set forth here. This first parable was spoken to the multitudes (verses Mat 13:2-3). Its exp...
CHAPTER 27 THE LEAVEN Matthew 13:33. _“He spake another parable to them: The kingdom of the heavens is like unto leaven, which a woman having taken, hid in three measures of meal, until all were leav...
"And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed thence. (54) And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astoni...
Chapter 8, which opens the portion that comes before us tonight, is a striking illustration as well as proof of the method which God has been pleased to employ in giving us the apostle Matthew's accou...
Matthew 13:53._When Jesus had concluded. Matthew _does not mean, that immediately after delivering these discourses, he came into his own country; for it is evident from _Mark, _that some interval of...
The Lord was no longer seeking fruit in His vine. It had been requisite according to God's relations with Israel that He should seek this fruit; but His true service, He well knew, was to bring that w...
AND IT CAME TO PASS THAT, WHEN JESUS HAD FINISHED THESE PARABLES,.... Which he spoke both to the multitude from the ship, and to his disciples in the house, HE DEPARTED THENCE; from the house in whic...
And it came to pass, _that_ when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed thence. Ver. 53. _He departed thence_] As wanting, and yet waiting, the next opportunity to glorify God, and edify othe...
_When Jesus had finished these parables_ Namely, those last mentioned, delivered in the house, which he added to the others spoken before in public; _he departed thence_, (see Mark 6:1,) and came once...
This chapter begins a new division of the book. Israel is looked at as set aside because of unbelief: the Lord went out of the house (typically Israel's house), and set by the seaside. The sea is typi...
53-58 Christ repeats his offer to those who have repulsed them. They upbraid him, Is not this the carpenter's son? Yes, it is true he was reputed to be so; and no disgrace to be the son of an honest...
Origen Commentary on Matthew Book X " Only, whether he is putting a question or making an affirmation, it is necessarily said not "these things" only,-which is demonstrative,-not "all things" only, bu...
Matthew 13:53 Now G2532 pass G1096 (G5633) when G3753 Jesus G2424 finished G5055 (G5656) these G5025 parables...
‘And it came about that when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed from that place.' Having ‘completed His teaching' in parables Jesus departed from that place. This is Matthew's regular meth...
THE FINAL CHALLENGE (13:51-53). This final challenge by Jesus is often overlooked. Like the initial parable it is not directly ‘likened to the Kingly Rule of Heaven'. Nevertheless it is very pertinen...
THE EIGHT PARABLES OF THE KINGLY RULE OF HEAVEN (13:1-53). Having made clear that the Kingly Rule of Heaven is advancing forcefully (Matthew 11:12) and that through Jesus' activities as the Servant of...
Matthew 13:24. _Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:_ Jesus never sowed any other kind of seed. The truth wh...
CONTENTS: Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. The sower, tares and wheat, grain of mustard seed, leaven, hid treasure, pearl, drag net. CHARACTERS: Jesus, disciples, Satan, Isaiah. CONCLUSION: The pr...
Matthew 13:2. _He went into a ship._ A small vessel or boat, probably belonging to one of the disciples, several of whom were fishermen. Matthew 13:3. _He spake many things to them in parables._ On th...
AND WENT BACK TO HIS HOME TOWN. Nazareth. He taught in the synagogue on the Sabbath (Mark 6:2). WHERE DID HE GET SUCH WISDOM? Sarcasm (_see_ Matthew 13:58)....
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 13:1 The Messianic Kingdom Revealed in Parables. This is the third of Jesus’ five major teachings (see Introduction: Key Themes). It is a collection of parables....
THE PEOPLE OF NAZARETH REFUSE TO BELIEVE MATTHEW 13:53-58; MARK 6:1-6; MATTHEW 13:53 And it came to pass, [_that_] when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed thence....
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Matthew 13:54. HIS OWN COUNTRY.—The district of Nazareth. Matthew 13:55. THE CARPENTER’S SON (see Mark 6:3).—Joseph was an _artificer_, for the word “carpenter” must not be interpret...
EXPOSITION A few remarks by way of introduction to the characteristic portion of this chapter (Matthew 13:1). (1) We have here a collection of the Lord's parables, all spoken, as it would appear, at...
Now as we enter into the thirteenth chapter, we come into the area of the parables that deal with the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. And in these we have more or less a key to all parables. And y...
Mark 4:33...
He departed thence — He crossed the lake from Capernaum: and came once more into his own country — Nazareth: but with no better success than he had had there before....
Observe here, 1. Christ's tender and compassionate regard to his own countrymen, the people of Galilee and Nazareth: he preached to them in their synagogue. 2. The effect which his doctrine had upon...