Only Matthew and Mark narrate the events recorded in this chapter. The
discourse at Capernaum (John 6:22-71), respecting the manna from
heaven, followed the feeding of the five thousand. The Passover, which
was nigh at hand (John 6:4), was not attended by our Lord (John 7:1).
This chapter begins the... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:1. FROM JERUSALEM PHARISEES AND SCRIBES. Not ‘scribes and
Pharisees,' but representatives of the party of the Pharisees,
including ‘scribes.' Possibly a formal deputation from the Sanhedrin
(‘from Jerusalem'. They came apparently with a definite and hostile
purpose (comp. Mark 7:1), proba... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:2. WHY DO THY DISCIPLES TRANSGRESS? They had seen them thus
‘transgress,' either at Jerusalem (Lange), or, as is more probable,
in Galilee (comp. Mark 7:2). In reality a cautious and artful attack
upon Christ Himself.
THE TRADITION OF THE ELDERS. Certain rules handed down by word of
mout... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:3. WHY DO YE ALSO TRANSGRESS? The neglect is acknowledged,
but the tradition attacked.
FOR THE TAKE OF YOUR TRADITION, _i.e.,_ you break God's law, in order
that you may keep your (human) tradition. Comp. Mark 7:9. The direct
command of God was set aside for tradition by those who claim... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:4. FOR GOD SAID (comp. Mark 7:10), in the law of Moses. Our
Lord assumes that God spoke through this law. The precepts cited are
apt, since the Pharisees upheld tradition as delivered by the
HE THAT REVILETH, etc. Exodus 21:17. Our Lord quotes, not the promise
in the Decalogu... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:5. BUT YE SAY. God said one thing, ‘ye say' another, and
though you quote tradition, it has only your own authority.
IT IS A GIFT TO GOD, ALL THAT, etc. ‘That from which thou mightest
have been benefited by me, is an offering to God.' The Rabbins taught
that by saying ‘corban' of his po... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:6. HE SHALL NOT HONOR HIS FATHER. The best authorities
omit, ‘and.' ‘Ye say; whosoever shall say, etc., he shall not
honor his father.' The Pharisees directly deny the validity of the
fifth commandment. There are two other views, both of them requiring
the insertion of ‘and.' One, that of... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:7. YE HYPOCRITES. This word had not quite so strong a sense
then as now. It includes those self-deceived.
WELL DID ISAIAH PROPHESY OF YOU. (Isaiah 29:13.) ‘Well,' _i.e_.,
aptly. Our Lord assumes that the prophecy properly referred to the
Jewish people then, while He does not imply that... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:8. THIS PEOPLE, etc. The briefer form is now the
established reading. Early copyists inserted the full form.
THEIR HEART IS FAR FROM ME _._ In the Hebrew: ‘Their heart they
have removed far from me.' Applicable first to the contemporaries of
Isaiah, but descriptive of the unbelieving Je... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:9. IN VAIN. This phrase (only implied in the original
passage in Isaiah) refers to the _emptiness_ of such worship. It is
both _groundless_ (without true principle) and _fruitless_ (without
proper results). The Hebrew means literally: ‘their fearing of me
has become a precept of men, a th... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:10. THEN HE CALLED TO HIM THE MULTITUDE. Without answering
the question about ‘washing of hands,' He turns to the people, as if
to say, these hypocrites, though the zealous expounders of the law,
cannot understand its real sense.... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:11. _Entereth._ In this verse, and Matthew 15:17-19, a
number of verbs of motion are used, the exact force of which we seek
to preserve in the corrections of the common version.
DEFILETH THE MAN, _i.e.,_ makes him common, impure or profane. The
Mosaic law, by a variety of regulations, ke... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:12. THEN CAME THE DISCIPLES. After He went into the house
(Mark 7:17).
saying in Matthew 15:11, which seemed to be in opposition to the
Levitical law. They were ready to take offence from the effect of the
previous dis... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:13. EVERY PLANT. This refers to the _teaching_ and
_traditions_ of the Pharisees, although the persons became identified
with their false doctrine.
authority for their teaching; our Lord declares by implication that it
w... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:14. LET THEM ALONE. His disciples are not to begin an
attack upon the Pharisees. Error, if let alone, defeats and destroys
itself. Let it work out its self-destructive results!
THEY ARE BLIND GUIDES. They profess to be teachers, but have
themselves no spiritual sight. If then THE BLIND... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:15. PETER. He again acts as the spokesman, hence ‘unto
DECLARE, _i.e.,_ ‘expound'
THE PARABLE. That of Matthew 15:11 (comp. Mark 7:17). The declaration
in Matthew 15:11, was a ‘hard saying ‘to those who were born Jews,
and hence Peter might have called it a ‘parable,' especially... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:16. EVEN YET. After all the instruction received.
ARE YE ALSO. As well as the multitude (Matthew 15:10).
WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING _,_ literally ‘unintelligent.'... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:17. PERCEIVE YE NOT? The truth affirmed was one easy to be
perceived by the spiritually minded
INTO THE DRAUGHT _,i.e.,_ ‘drain, sink, or privy.' The thought of
the verse (especially when further explained by the words in Mark
7:19: ‘because it entereth not into his heart,') is that foo... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:18. Expresses in another form the same thought, indicating
plainly that the heart is unaffected by what goes into the mouth,
while what comes out of the mouth indicates what is in the heart.... [ Continue Reading ]
reasonings, purposes, not mere notions. The criminality of acts
proceeds from the purpose; for these acts man is responsible. The
plural form indicates that these sins are common and notorious. Mark
adds a number of others.... [ Continue Reading ]
impurity is insignificant compared with moral impurity. Yet Christians
now are as slow to learn this as the disciples were.... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:21. AND JESUS WITHDREW. Partly in consequence of the
hostility of the Pharisees; partly to seek retirement (Mark 7:24); He
designed also, to signify, through the incident which was to follow,
the future admission of the Gentiles into His kingdom.
INTO THE PARTS. Mark 7:24: ‘borders.' He... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:22. A CANAANITISH WOMAN _._ Her race, not her country, is
thus noted. Mark, ‘a Greek,' _i.e._, a heathen by religion, ‘a
Syro-Phoenician by nation.' The Phoenicians were the descendants of
the remnant of the old Canaanites.
CAME OUT. Probably from a distance.
SON OF DAVID. She knew an... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:23. BUT HE ANSWERED HER NOT A WORD. (Matthew 15:23-25,
peculiar to Matthew.) By this unwonted silence our Lord would try her
faith; and prove it to His disciples. They were Jews, and must learn
to intercede for a heathen woman, before they could carry the gospel
to the Gentiles.
DISMISS... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:24. I WAS NOT SENT, etc. His personal mission was only to
the Jews, as their previous mission had been (chap. Matthew 10:5-6).
The exceptions all pointed to the future spiritual significance of the
phrase: HOUSE OF ISRAEL _._ This answer might suggest to the
disciples: ‘Is not such a one... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:25. BUT SHE CAME. Perhaps into the house (Mark 7:24), but
more probably to where He waited for her in the way. Her faith was
more manifest, as the Lord gave her opportunity.
LORD. Reverential address.
HELP ME. A touch of nature in the mothers prayer! Maternal love
remains even in heat... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:26. IT IS NOT MEET. The reply is not harsh, nor is it a
refusal (Mark: ‘Let the children first be fed'). It calls forth the
woman's faith, and convinces the disciples that it is ‘proper' to
bless this heathen woman.
TO TAKE (lit., ‘to take away') THE CHILDREN'S BREAD. All present
unders... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:27. YEA, LORD. She accepts the Lord's word and makes an
argument of it.
FOR EVEN, not ‘yet,' THE DOGS. Not as one of the children; but as a
humble dependent, she asks only what falls to such: _the crumbs._
Possibly a reference to the pieces of bread on which, according to the
ancient us... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:28. GREAT IS THY FAITH. The greatest faith had been shown
by Gentiles (comp. chap. Matthew 8:10); and of this woman's
characteristics, ‘faith' was not only the crown, but the source.
describes her return home. As in the case o... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:29. DEPARTED THENCE. (Mark 8:31 is fuller.) He probably
made a circuit, passing southeastward, through the northern part of
the Decapolis at the foot of the Lebanon range, reaching the
mountainous (and solitary) district on the eastern shore of the SEA OF
AND SAT THERE. To o... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:30. GREAT MULTITUDES. Even in this retired place He was not
allowed to rest long. The crowds came HAVING WITH THEM _,i.e.,_
bringing with them, a great variety of afflicted ones.
DUMB. Mark mentions one case in particular (Mark 7:32-35).
MAIMED. The first mention of this class, i.e. _... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:31. WONDERED. Comp. Mark 7:37. The people had probably
heard of, but never witnessed, His power.
THE DUMB SPEAKING, etc. This is the form of the original.
THEY GLORIFIED THE GOD OF ISRAEL. They were not heathen, but Jews.
Yet living on the borders, they seem to have been affected by h... [ Continue Reading ]
Himself takes the first step (comp. chap. Matthew 14:15). This case
was more urgent; the crowd was not composed of those on the way to the
Passover, and had been three days with Him.
THREE DAYS. The third day was passing; so they wer... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:32-38. This miracle is not identical with that described in
chap. Matthew 14:15-21. The circumstances vary in every possible
respect: the number fed, the amount of provision present, the
fragments gathered, even the kind of baskets used, a different word
being found here, and also in the... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:33. WHENCE SHOULD WE HAVE SO MANY LOAVES. The question may
seem strange after the miraculous feeding of the five thousand. But it
was not so strange as their subsequent reasoning about the leaven of
the Pharisees and Sadducees (chap. Matthew 16:6-12). Our own
forgetfulness and unbelief sh... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:34. HOW MANY LOAVES HAVE YE? In the other case a lad had
the provisions; here the disciples themselves. The loaves were _seven_
in this case, _five_ in the other, the number of little fishes is not
specified.... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:35. AND GIVING COMMANDMENT. The correct reading joins this
verse closely with Matthew 15:36. In the other case the disciples
arranged the multitude (Luke 9:14; John 6:10).
ON THE GROUND _,_ not ‘on the grass' (chap. Matthew 14:19); they
were ‘in a wilderness'(Matthew 15:33), a desolate... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:36-37. The mode of distribution (and the miracle itself)
was precisely the same.
other case ‘twelve.' The word rendered ‘baskets.' is a different
one (probably larger ones are meant), and the same difference is
observe... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:38. FOUR THOUSAND, instead of ‘five thousand.' In this
case the material miracle seems not to have been so great, as respects
the number fed and the fragments remaining. All these variations,
which show no gradation between the miracles, and betray no special
design, prove that the Evange... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 15:39. INTO THE BOAT. Probably one awaiting Him.
INTO THE BORDERS OF MAGADAN _,_ according to the best authorities.
(‘Magdalan' is also found.) Mark: ‘Into the parts of Dalmanutha.'
This was probably a village not far from Magadan. Our Lord, pursued by
the hostility of the Jews and seeking... [ Continue Reading ]