Matthew 16:24. Unto his disciples. To others also whom He called about Him (Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23: ‘to all').

If any one would come after me. A general statement, involving on this occasion the question, will you follow me even to the death, which, I have assured you, must come. Unlike worldly leaders, Christ declares the darker side of His service; He asks for willing followers. A religion of force cannot be Christ's religion.

Deny himself. Let him renounce self as the object of supreme regard; this involves the relinquishment of all that interferes with the higher object.

Take up his cross. The person to be crucified bore his own cross; the death was a painful and shameful one. The reference is to readiness to endure for Christ, even death in its worst form. It includes of course all minor forms of endurance. Comp. Luke 9:23, where ‘daily' is added. Continuous cross-bearing is implied here.

Follow me. Here in the path of suffering, but also in the path of holiness and in the path to glory, as the following verses suggest.

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Old Testament