Matthew 23:13. Woe unto you. This repeated formula is followed in each case by a reason, derived from evil character and conduct. Sin results in ‘woe.'

Because ye shut up the kingdom of heaven, here represented as a wedding hall, or palace, with open doors.

Against men; in their face. This was especially done by so perverting the Scriptures as to prevent others from recognizing Christ, the ‘Way,' the ‘Door.' Their sin was two-fold: not entering themselves; and by both example and false teaching, keeping back the people who even now were disposed to enter. This is the chief sin of Pharisaism: by outward ceremonies and false self-righteous teaching, obscuring the simple gospel of Christ, thus shutting the door of the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. The other verses set forth various manifestations of their wicked example and precept.

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Old Testament