Matthew 24:31. Send forth his angels with a great sound of a trumpet. According to 1 Thessalonians 4:16, the angels and trumpets are distinguished, the latter coming first. The trumpet, used to call assemblies together, refers to some means employed in connection with the actual ‘angels' to gather Christ's people together. This sound of the trumpet is to be distinguished from the great Trumpet of the Judgment day (1 Corinthians 15:52: ‘the last trump'), since both this verse and Matthew 24:40-41, point to a gathering out from the world, while at the great Judgment all are collected. And they shall gather together his elect, the individual believers, over against the organizations which contain or conceal them. A gathering, either of living and raised believers into one place, or of the saints hitherto scattered among the nations into one organization. It is implied that before that time no one organization will include all true believers. A lesson against sectarian bigotry wherever found.

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Old Testament