The threefold temptation by Satan; the threefold victory over Satan.
He who came ‘to destroy the works of the devil,' triumphs over him
in personal conflict. This was the Messiah's _trial_ and _probation,_
as His baptism had been His inauguration. The second Adam, like the
first, was tempted. Contra... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:1. THEN, immediately after the events mentioned in the last
chapter, as Mark more explicitly states. After marked evidence of
Divine favor, the most trying conflicts.
LED UP BY THE SPIRIT. Not by His own spirit, but by the Holy Spirit.
The words ‘led up' show this.
INTO THE WILDERNESS.... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:2. FASTED. Entire abstinence from food; comp. Luke 4:2.
FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS. Not fasting by day and feasting by
night. The length of the fast is not incredible. Comp. the fasts of
Moses (Exodus 34:28) and Elijah (1 Kings 19:8), Absorption in
intellectual pursuits, but especially... [ Continue Reading ]
emphasis rests on ‘Son.' On any theory the tempter meant by ‘Son,'
what our Lord had been declared to be at His baptism. That he would
not have dared to tempt Jesus, had he known who He, was, is an
unwarranted supposition. The language... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:4. IT IS WRITTEN. ‘It has been and still is written,' is
the full meaning of this phrase. Each suggestion was answered by a
passage from Scripture. A hint to honor the Old Testament, which is
rendered emphatic by this particular quotation. Jesus, who was
fulfilling the law, answers Satan f... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:5. THEN. Probably immediately afterwards
TAKETH HIM, as a companion. Force is not necessarily implied, though
Satan may have had for the time being some power over his weakened
body. The greater humiliation of being tempted by Satan included the
less, that of being conducted by him.
IN... [ Continue Reading ]
SECOND TEMPTATION; Matthew 4:5-7. Luke mentions this last. The order
here is probably exact; Matthew 4:5; Matthew 4:8, indicate an order of
succession, which is not necessarily implied in Luke's account. The
closing verses in the two narratives confirm this view. Matthew says:
‘Then the devil leavet... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:6. The devil takes the weapon with which he had been already
overcome. He too, ‘can cite Scripture for his purpose.' But the
result proves that Satan was but a surface reader, or rather a wilful
perverter of the Scriptures.
HE SHALL GIVE, etc. From Psalms 91:11-12.
ON THEIR HANDS, more... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:7. AGAIN IT IS WRITTEN. Not ‘written again.' In another
place; Deuteronomy 6:16. Our Lord corrects the misinterpretation of
poetic Scripture by citing a plain statement of the law. The original
has ‘ye,' but Jesus answers: THOU SHALT NOT TEMPT, turning it
directly upon the tempter, for eve... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:8. AN EXCEEDING HIGH MOUNTAIN. Its situation can only be
conjectured; the Mount of Olives, which was relatively high; others,
the mountain in the wilderness (Quarantania), Nebo, Tabor.
SHEWETH HIM. Luke adds, ‘in a moment of time,' this may imply some
supernatural extension of vision. Ma... [ Continue Reading ]
THIRD TEMPTATION: Matthew 4:8-10.... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:9. Satan in his true character.
ALL THESE THINGS, _i.e.,_ ‘all that renders them attractive to the
love of power, pleasure, wealth, honor' (J. A. Alexander).
WILL I GIVE THEE. The world is to a certain extent under the power of
Satan, not absolutely nor permanently, indeed, but actuall... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:10. GET THEE HENCE. A single word, ‘begone,' ‘avaunt,'
expressing abhorrence of both person and proposal.
SATAN. Addressed by name, having spoken in his true character as
‘adversary.' For, giving a reason for rejecting the proposal, and
also for his going hence, from the presence of One... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:11. LEAVETH HIM. Luke (Luke 4:13), ‘for a season.' He was
tempted again and again; at last in Gethsemane and on the cross.
ANGELS. Spiritual beings, probably in visible form on this occasion.
Alone in the contest, He had these companions after his victory.
MINISTERED. Most naturally mea... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:12. WHEN HE HEARD, _i.e.,_ in Judea.
DELIVERED UP, _i.e.,_ into prison by Herod the tetrarch. The common
version gives an explanation, not a literal translation. For reason of
this imprisonment, see chap. Matthew 14:4; MARK 6:17.
HE WITHDREW INTO GALILEE. A withdrawal from prudence (as... [ Continue Reading ]
CONTENTS AND CONNECTION. The appearance of Jesus as the light of the
world amidst the darkness of the land of Galilee, in accordance with
prophecy (Matthew 4:12-16). The record begins at the close of the
ministry of John the Baptist, whose message is reannounced by Jesus
(Matthew 4:17). He chooses f... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:13. AND LEAVING NAZARETH, His early home. Because rejected
there (Luke 4:16-30). A second rejection took place at a later period
(comp. chap. Matthew 13:54-58; Mark 6:1-6). If there were but one (as
many think), it occurred at the beginning of the Galilean ministry,
since Luke's account is... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:14. THAT IT MIGHT BE FULFILLED. The purpose of fulfilling
prophecy ever involves the higher purpose of carrying out God's plan
thus revealed.
ISAIAH THE PROPHET (Isaiah 9:1-2). An independent and free
translation. The Septuagint is quite incorrect here.... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:15. THE LAND OF ZEBULUN. etc. These words form the close of
a sentence in the original prophecy, and are introduced to specify the
region spoken of in this Messianic prediction. Either an apostrophe to
these regions or equivalent to: as to the land of Zebulun, etc. The
sense is the same.... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:16. THE PEOPLE; of the region just described.
SITTING IN DARKNESS. Dwelling contentedly. Isaiah says: ‘walking,'
but Matthew indicates that the condition was worse. ‘Darkness' is
the usual Scriptural figure for a state of depravity, including more
than ignorance.
SAW A GREAT LIGHT. The... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:17. FROM THAT TIME. Either, of this settlement in Capernaum,
or the imprisonment of John the Baptist.
JESUS BEGAN TO PREACH. The beginning of the ministry in Galilee, to
an account of which Matthew confines himself. During most of the time
he was probably an eyewitness.
REPENT: FOR THE... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:18. AND WALKING. The omission of the word ‘Jesus' connects
this verse closely with what precedes; the ‘walking' was while
preaching (Matthew 4:17). This close connection is brought out more
fully in the account of Luke (Luke 5:1-11). As this verse is the
beginning of the Gospel for St. And... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:19. COME YE AFTER ME. This call is to be distinguished from
the previous acquaintanceship and discipleship (John 1), and also from
the later choice and call to the apostleship (Matthew 10). The call is
thus expanded: ‘ 1. An invitation to full communion with Him; 2. A
demand of perfect sel... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:20. STRAIGHTWAY (the same word as in Matthew 4:22).
Emphatic; there was no delay. Luke tells of a miraculous draught of
fishes, which preceded and prepared the fishermen to obey. His
narrative assumes that Jesus was known to them (Luke 5:5), and that
they gave up their occupation to follow... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:21. GOING ON FROM THENCE. (Mark: ‘a little further.') All
four had assisted in the great draught of fishes (see Luke 5:7; Luke
James, _i.e._, Jacob. Probably the older brother.
JOHN, the Apostle and Evangelist. The detailed account he gives of
our Lord's previous ministry and mira... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:22. These two brothers STRAIGHTWAY obeyed, leaving THEIR
FATHER ALSO. He was probably not poor, as he had ‘hired servants'
(Mark 1:20). The lesson, more plainly taught elsewhere, is: Renounce
every human tie, if necessary, to follow Christ. Yet human ties are
not severed by following Chris... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:23. AND HE WENT ABOUT IN ALL GALILEE. The sphere of His
ministry is thus marked; its character is thus described. ‘Galilee'
here probably includes the whole fertile and well peopled district
thus named, not upper Galilee alone. The people of Judea looked down
on the Galileans partly becaus... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:24. THE REPORT. ‘Fame' has changed its meaning.
SYRIA, the name of the largest Roman province north and east of
Palestine, sometimes including it. Probably used here in its widest
THEY BROUGHT TO HIM ALL THAT WERE SICK. Those who had heard of Him
and believed in his power to he... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:25. GREAT MULTITUDES, lit, ‘many crowds.' These came from
all parts of Palestine; FROM GALILEE, where he preached, DECAPOLIS
(meaning ‘ten cities'), a district principally east of the Jordan;
according to Ritter, settled by the veterans of Alexander the Great,
JERUSALEM, the capital, JUDEA... [ Continue Reading ]