The scene (Matthew 5:1), the formal preface of the Evangelist (Matthew
5:2); the opening description of the citizens of the kingdom of heaven
(Matthew 5:3-10); their relation to the world (Matthew 5:11-16), in
the form of a personal application. The discourse opens with a
simplicity that would be ab... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:1. SEEING THE MULTITUDES. Comp. Mark 4:7-8; Luke 6:17, on
the gathering of these multitudes.
HE WENT UP. Not to avoid them, but to gather from them a willing
INTO THE MOUNTAIN, the Horns of Hattin, according to tradition.
Stanley: ‘It is the only height seen in this direction... [ Continue Reading ]
GENERAL CHARACTER. The magna charta of Christ's Kingdom: the unfolding
of His righteousness; the sublimest code of morals ever proclaimed on
earth; the counterpart of the legislation on Mount Sinai; Christ here
appears as Lawgiver and King; Moses spoke in God's name; Christ speaks
in His own. Its po... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:2. OPENED HIS MOUTH. A formula indicating indicating ‘a
solemn and authoritative utterance;' comp, references. He had before
opened the mouths of others; the King Himself now becomes the Teacher.
When the Lord opens his mouth, _we_ should open our ears and hearts.
TAUGHT, literally, ‘was... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:3. THE POOR IN SPIRIT, not ‘in body,' nor ‘in mind.' The
humble, those conscious of their spiritual needs, and thus prepared to
be filled with the riches of the gospel. The discourse begins at the
beginning; sense of want comes before spiritual blessings; the fruit
of the law and the germ... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:3-11. The beatitudes constitute an ascending series. The
same thoughts are found in the Old Testament, but only since Christ
has been found there.
BLESSED. The word, first applied to God, means more than ‘happy.'
Happiness may come from earthly things; blessedness comes from God. It
is n... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:4. THEY THAT MOURN, or ‘the mourning ones.' A spiritual
mourning is meant. A sense of need makes men ‘poor in spirit,' but a
consciousness of the positive power of sin makes them mourn. Not
terror, fear of punishment, but actual sorrow that sin has power over
COMFORTED. This is a pro... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:5. THE MEEK; the mild, the gentle, opposed to the ambitious,
who succeed in such a kingdom as the Jews were looking for. A higher
quality than the preceding.
INHERIT THE EARTH, or ‘the land,' _i.e._, of Canaan, the type of
all blessings, not merely of spiritual ones. The literal fulfilme... [ Continue Reading ]
righteousness,' _i.e._, God's; something without us, given to us, not
merely imputed to us, though that is included, but made ours, part of
our life, as food is assimilated. A still stronger representation of
the sense of spiritual need, ad... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:7. THE MERCIFUL. Meekness is a passive virtue, mercy an
active one. ‘The _meek_ bear the injustice of the world, the
_merciful_ bravely address themselves to the wants of the world.'
‘Every degree of sympathy and mutual love and help' is included. The
spring of this grace is in God's mercy... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:8. THE PORE IN HEART. Either a single virtue, or total
freedom from sin. The former is here meant, _i.e._ , a simplicity of
heart, or ‘that steady direction of the soul toward the Divine life
which excludes every other object from the homage of the heart' More
than sincerity, or chastity o... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:9. THE PEACEMAKERS. Not simply the peaceful, but those who
reconcile others. However understood by Christ's hearers, we must
refer it to those who proclaim and further the Gospel of peace, which
alone makes men truly at peace with one another by making them at
peace with God. In most kingd... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:10. FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS' SAKE. ‘ Righteousness ' includes
all the preceding graces; but the peacemakers are especially
persecuted; the effort to spread the gospel of peace provokes the
hostility of men. Righteous living does the same, however men may be
compelled to admit its excellence. The... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:11. BLESSED ARE YE. The personal application; a prophecy
also, since WHEN MEN SHALL REVILE YOU, etc., implies that this will
happen. The first revilers and persecutors were the unbelieving Jews,
here referred to indefinitely.
REVILE, _i.e._, reproach you to your face.
PERSECUTE refers... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:12. REJOICE, etc. An exhortation based on the declaration of
blessedness in Matthew 5:11, and confirming it. Needful, because the
prospect of persecution is far from awakening joy.
FOR GREAT IS YOUR REWARD IN HEAVEN. The reason both for rejoicing and
for the blessedness. ‘Reward,' _i.e._... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:13. YE, _i.e.,_ the disciples, though not yet forming a
distinct organization. The influence here spoken of depends not upon
external organizations, but upon the power of Christ in the individual
THE SALT OF THE EARTH. Salt preserves, Christ's disciples preserve
the world from... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:14. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. The influence of salt is
internal, of light, external; hence ‘earth' (Matthew 5:13), and here
‘world,' both referring to society or mankind, the latter more to
its organized external form. Light is opposed to darkness, and dispels
it; is the symbol of truth and... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:15. A CANDLE, or ‘lamp.'
THE BUSHEL. The ordinary household measure, holding about a peck.
Under this the light could be hid.
BUT ON THE CANDLESTICK, or ‘lampstand;' its proper place, an
elevated holder or stand, so that its light might be diffused as
widely as possible.
IT SHINETH.... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:16. EVEN SONG OF SOLOMON, _i.e._, like the city on the hill,
the candle on the candlestick, not ‘so that they may see,' as the
common version might be understood.
Not professions or teachings, but what men, with all their... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:17. THINK NOT. See above. The great Teacher addresses
Himself to the thoughts of the audience before Him.
I CAME. This implies that He had a special mission; not as yet a
direct avowal that He was the Messiah.
TO DESTROY, to undo, or do away with. Christ's mission not negative
and dest... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Lord defines His relation to the old dispensation (Matthew
5:17-19), thus introducing the negative leading thought, viz., the
utter failure of the Pharisees to attain true righteousness, according
to the law, which He came to fulfil (Matthew 5:20); an exposition of
the requirements of the law (M... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:18. VERILY, lit., ‘Amen,' I SAY UNTO YOU. The Evangelist
John generally repeats the first word. The whole phrase is used by
Christ alone, the absolute, personal Truth.
TILL HEAVEN, etc. Paraphrase: ‘While heaven and earth last, one jot
or one tittle shall not pass from the law without al... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:19. An application of the truth just announced.
WHOSOEVER, THEREFORE, because of this permanent character of the law.
SHALL BREAK, or at any time may break, ONE OF THESE LEAST
COMMANDMENTS, the smallest part of this law, or, in the wider sense,
of this revelation which God has made, AND... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:20. The scribes and Pharisees, by minute explanations of the
law, had made it very burdensome. The people, oppressed by this,
longed for deliverance. Some hoped for it through an abolition of the
law, but our Lord opposes this further, by His exposition of the real
demands of the law.
EXC... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:21. YE HAVE HEARD, when the law was read in public, etc.
IT WAS SAID TO (not ‘by') THEM OF OLD TIME, ‘the ancients.' As
the passage is from the law, the indefinite phrase, ‘it was said,'
cannot be referred to a false teacher or author of tradition.
THOU SHALT NOT KILL. From the Decalog... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:22. BUT I SAY UNTO YOU. This implies equal authority with
Him who gave the Decalogue, greater authority than those who expounded
it. The two thoughts of Matthew 5:21 require two here.
EVERY ONE WHO. This is the literal sense.
ANGRY WITH HIS BROTHER. ‘Brother' is equivalent to neighbor,... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:23. THEREFORE. Application of the teaching just uttered.
ART OFFERING THY GIFT AT THE ALTAR, engaged in what was then the
highest act of worship. Even the most sacred act should make room for
AND THERE REMEMBEREST. Proper worship makes us mindful of duty to
TH... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:25. AGREE WITH THINE ADVERSARY QUICKLY. An opponent in a
WITH HIM IN THE WAY, _i.e.,_ to the place of judgment, the last
opportunity for settlement. The rest of the verse describes the
possible course in case of losing the suit. The words: ‘at any
time,' are superfluous.
OFFIC... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:26. VERILY I SAY UNTO THEE. A higher application of the
illustration. The prudent course in worldly affairs points out the
prudent course in the higher sphere. ‘Reconciliation with an
offended brother in this life is absolutely necessary before his wrong
cry against us to the Great Judge,... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:27. The seventh commandment (Exodus 20:14) is now cited,
with an implied reference to the interpretation given by the scribes,
namely, that adultery alone was forbidden.... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:28. EVERY ONE WHO, not seeth, but voluntarily LOOKETH, with
a view TO LUST AFTER HER. Our Lord declares, not that such an one
shall be condemned, but that in his _heart_ he has committed the sin.
Adultery of the heart, and of the eye, desecrate the temple of the
Holy Spirit; how much more... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:29. An application by direct address.
THY RIGHT EYE, etc. Comp. chap. Matthew 18:8-9; Mark 9:43-48, where
the order is different. Here the ‘eye' is placed first, on account
of the connection with the lustful look (Matthew 5:28). The ‘right
eye,' in popular esteem the better one.
CAUSE... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:31. The teaching in regard to divorce belongs properly under
the exposition of the seventh commandment. Loose notions about divorce
indicate and increase unchastity.
IT WAS SAID ALSO. ‘Hath been said' (here and Matthew 5:33; Matthew
5:38; Matthew 5:43), is an unnecessary variation. Quotat... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:32. FORNICATION, or unchastity.
MAKETH HER TO COMMIT ADULTERY, not by the fact of her being divorced,
but in view of the extremely probable case of another marriage.
WHEN SHE IS PUT AWAY. The force of the original is best given thus.
The Romanists claim that this includes one divorced f... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:33. A summary of the Mosaic precepts in regard to swearing;
PERFORM TO THE LORD THINE OATHS. (Comp. Leviticus 19:12; Numbers
25:2.) The twofold mistake of the Jews, answered by our Lord: that
only false swearing, and swearing... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:34. THAT YE SWEAR NOT AT ALL, lit., ‘not to swear at all.'
The reason is given, in Matthew 5:37. The prohibition is absolute for
private and social life, and also for the kingdom of heaven, for which
alone Christ legislates here. Civil governments, on account of the
fearful amount of false... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:35. NOR BY THE EARTH. In this case also, the oath, if not
senseless, would derive its validity from the relation of the earth to
BY JERUSALEM, or, strictly, ‘towards,' turning towards it, as in
praying. Any solemnity attending this oath, came from the fact that it
was THE CITY OF TH... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:36. BY THY HEAD. No man can create a hair of his head, or
even transform its color; what solemnity, then, in such an oath. Or,
if carried further, to swear by what is under God's control alone, is
to swear by Him, and that in a very roundabout and senseless way. Dr.
Thomson (_The Land And... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:37. BUT LET YOUR SPEECH BE, YEA, YEA; NAY, NAY. Not only
foolish oaths, like those cited, are forbidden, but also all
unnecessary appealing to God. Even judicial appeals to God should not
be multiplied. The true oath consists in the simple asseveration
uttered under a sense of the presence... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:38. EYE FOR AN EYE, etc. The law of retaliation (Exodus
21:24) was a judicial rule, righteous in itself, and especially
necessary in the East. Introduced to do away with the private revenge,
so common in the time of Moses, it had been perverted into a warrant
for retaliation of every kind.... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:39. RESIST NOT EVIL (‘wrong'),or, ‘the evil man.' The
general principle governing all the cases mentioned. Lange: ‘Our
Lord refers to sin and evil in the world, which is conquered by wise
Christian submission rather than by strenuous resistance. To be merely
passive, were weakness; but a n... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:40. This verse may be thus rendered: ‘If any man desires
to go to law with thee, and (by so doing) to take away thy coat (the
inner garment, or tunic), let thy cloak (the more expensive upper
garment) also go to him.' The ‘cloak' was frequently used as a
covering at night, and according to... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:41. IMPRESS THEE. The word is borrowed from the Persian, and
refers to couriers pressing men and beasts into the public service, a
matter very obnoxious to the Jews; it includes also the quartering of
soldiers, and military requisitions, etc.
A MILE, a thousand Roman paces, about 1, 520... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:42. GIVE TO HIM THAT ASKETH THEE. Begging was as common and
annoying then as now.
not turned away.' Obviously to give to every beggar, to lend to ever)
borrower, would be as hurtful to them as harassing and exhausting to
u... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:43. THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR. (See Leviticus 19:18).
The original precept referred to Israelites, and obedience to it
helped to keep them distinct from other nations. But the Pharisees, to
increase the distance between the Jews and Gentiles, added the
converse precept: AND HATE THINE... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:44. LOVE YOUR ENEMIES. The controlling principle, literally
and universally applicable. One of the few precepts which admit of no
distinction between ‘letter' and ‘spirit' The law of love, once
deemed applicable only to those of the same nation, is now declared
valid towards all men, even... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:45. THAT YE MAY BE _. _ Such action proves, not makes, the
sonship. So doing we show our resemblance to God our Father (a
relation springing from our relation to Christ) who MAKETH HIS SUN,
etc., whose love of benevolence is universal and not measured by the
desert of the persons on whom H... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:46. _FOR _ refers back to Matthew 5:44: if your action is
simply in accordance with the precept of the Pharisees, WHAT REWARD
HAVE YE? What merit is there in it?
_THE PUBLICANS, _ the taxgatherers who collected the revenue for the
Romans. The term was odious, because these men were the ag... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:47. The same idea is repeated here, except that HEATHEN is
substituted for ‘publicans, according to the best authorities. The
Jews, despising the Gentiles, did not usually salute them. The
morality of the Pharisees is proved to be, in this respect, no better
than that of the heathen.
THE... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 5:48. YE SHALL THEREFORE BE PERFECT. The first reference is to
completeness in love to others; to an all embracing, instead of a
narrow, exclusive affection. But the highest virtue includes all the
rest, since God is love. We may then accept the correctness of the
ordinary view, which unders... [ Continue Reading ]