Matthew 5:31. The teaching in regard to divorce belongs properly under the exposition of the seventh commandment. Loose notions about divorce indicate and increase unchastity.

It was said also. ‘Hath been said' (here and Matthew 5:33; Matthew 5:38; Matthew 5:43), is an unnecessary variation. Quotation from Deuteronomy 24. Our Lord says elsewhere (chap. Matthew 19:8; Mark 10:5), that even this precept was owing to the hardness of their hearts.

The writing of divorcement, designed not to encourage divorce, but to render it more difficult, was in effect a protection of the repudiated wife. Our Lord's explicit teaching opposed the perversion of this provision of the Mosaic law. Some of the Rabbins allowed divorce in a great variety of cases, one going so far as to make the discovery of a more pleasing woman a sufficient ground.

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Old Testament