Matthew 9:19. Jesus arose and followed him. Jairus may have hastened, yet our Lord must have proceeded leisurely if His disciples, as well as the great crowd, which the other Evangelists speak of, accompanied Him. Crowds usually attended Him, but the presence of the chief man of the city would excite unusual interest.

Matthew 9:20. Comp, throughout the notes in Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48.

A woman having an issue of blood, etc. During twelve years of sickness she had spent all upon, as well as suffered much from many physicians, and only grew worse (Mark 5:26). The disease involved uncleanness, according to the ceremonial law, and on the part of the sufferer a sense of shame as well as fear. ‘However commonplace the case may seem to many, there are some in whose experience when clearly seen and seriously attended to, it touches a mysterious cord of painful sympathy.' (J. A. Alexander.) Hence she purposely came behind him, or ‘came to Him from behind,' and touched the border, or ‘fringe,' of his garment. The edge of the outer robe which He wore. This was the slightest contact possible.

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Old Testament