CHRONOLOGY AND CONNECTION. Three Evangelists join together the events we group in this section. Mark and Luke, however, place them immediately after the healing of the leper near Capernaum. We agree with most harmonists in placing the miracle wrought on the paralytic and the calling of Matthew together at the earlier period, and inserting the feast between the return from Gadara and the healing of Jairus' daughter. Jairus came to our Lord while at the feast in the house of Matthew (Matthew 9:18). The Evangelist must needs speak of the feast, and properly prefaces that account by telling of his call. As however the latter event was preceded by an instructive miraculous incident (the healing of the paralytic) in the same city, it too was inserted. Mark and Luke, having placed the call of Matthew (Levi) in its proper chronological position, mention the feast in the same connection.

Matthew 9:2-8: Christ reads the secrets of the heart, to reward faith and rebuke cavilling; confirms the free forgiveness of the gospel by visible signs; the Pharisees account that blasphemy (Matthew 9:3) which redounds to the glory of God (Matthew 9:8). The miracle on the soul and on the body joined together; Christ's greater work includes the less. How Christ forgives, once for all, He gives joy with pardon and through pardon. Christ's authority on earth to forgive is His, as the Son of man; God gives to men through the Son of man. Matthew 9:9. The modesty of the Evangelist even when he mentions himself; his implicit obedience. The publican becomes an Apostle. Matthew 9:10-17. The converted publican brings together his old associates and his new ones. The Pharisees murmur. The reproof: (1) a warning; (2) an encouragement The Master knows of but one distinction among men; namely, whether they feel or do not feel their need of Him. Mercy the most acceptable sacrifice. The disciples of the preacher of repentance fall into legalism, when they do not find Christ The kingdom of heaven a marriage-feast, even in the days of mourning. New life, new forms; not new forms, new life. The old form useless when antiquated; the new form useless if it does not express the new life. The incongruity of legalism and the gospel; the gospel bursts the restraints of the old Judaism.

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Old Testament