Philippians 1:29. Because to you it hath been granted. On this grant and its gracious nature, see above on Philippians 1:7. The word is used by St. Paul (1 Corinthians 2:12) of the things that are freely given' to us by God.

in the behalf of Christ, and as the sufferings are undergone in behalf of Christ, it is by Him that His warriors are supported in their trials, and so there is proof that their help is from God. Thus the suffering becomes evidence of sonship.

not only to believe on him, but also to suffer in his behalf. The sentence is shaped as though St. Paul had at the outset meant to speak of the sufferings first: ‘It is given you to suffer in behalf of Christ;' but the change which is introduced by the thought ‘not only to believe on Him' necessitates a repetition of the first portion of the clause, ‘in his behalf.' ‘In his behalf' implies for the sake of all that will help to spread His gospel.

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Old Testament