Philippians 2:22. But ye know the proof of him. No mention of what was done by Timothy at Philippi occurs in the Acts, but such events call forth display of character; and we may be sure that when St. Paul suffered, Timothy took all the share he could in what his ‘father in Christ' had to bear. That his service showed a child's faith and love we may gather from this verse.

that as a child serveth a father, so he served with me. Both services were rendered to God, therefore St. Paul writes he served with me; but that he may also express the obedience and self-surrender of Timothy, he describes it as service also yielded to himself in the most filial manner.

in furtherance of the gospel. The preposition is ‘unto.' They were bond - servants unto the Gospel. Whatever, therefore, would advance its progress, it was their bounden duty to undertake, and in this work St. Paul found Timothy a labourer worthy to be set by his own side.

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Old Testament