Philippians 4:21. Salute every saint in Christ Jesus. Give, that is, to all those who have begun to walk with Christ, my greetings in Christ Jesus. St. Paul could not know them all. Many converts would have been added to the church since his last visit. To none of these would he be deemed a stranger, and so he includes them all in the final salutation which specially belongs to the church as a whole.

The brethren which are with me salute you. This is a more limited greeting. The persons who send it are the immediate companions and fellow-travellers of St. Paul, who would probably be known to some persons in Philippi, especially to those at the head of the church, into whose hands Epaphroditus would deliver the letter. Among the number of the brethren we may probably include (besides Timothy) Luke, Aristarchus, Tychicus, and Epaphras; Philemon also, with John Mark, might be now among the number. Cf. Light-foot, Introduction, pp. 10, 11.

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Old Testament