Revelation 10:5-7. Intimation is now made that though the thunders are sealed the judgments which they threatened will not be long delayed, and the solemn manner of making it corresponds to the great issues that are to come. The angel whom the Seer saw standing upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his right hand to heaven, and sware by the great Creator of the universe that there should be delay no longer. The ‘delay' here spoken of is the space of time referred to in Matthew 24:22, where it is said that the days shall be shortened for the elect's sake. The coming of the end in view is next defined alike as to its time and its results. Its time shall be in the sounding of the seventh trumpet: its results shall be seen in the completing of the mystery of God, that is, in the completing of all His purposes with regard to His Church on earth.

According to the good tidings which he declared. The word ‘good tidings' is remarkable. Most interpreters will admit that it does not imply that the tidings were only of mercy. In reality the whole context shows that they were tidings of judgment upon the enemies of God. Yet even these were ‘good tidings,' for they told that ‘the righteous Lord loveth righteousness,' and that for the welfare of His creatures He would yet ‘take to Him His great power and reign.' It will be well to remember this in the interpretation of a more difficult passage to follow.

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Old Testament