Revelation 14:9. And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a great voice. It is curious to meet here again the ‘great voice' which is met in connection with the first angel, but not with the second. The circumstance is perhaps to be accounted for by the tendency of St. John to return at the close of a series of events to the beginning. In the next series of three, extending from Revelation 14:15 to Revelation 14:20, the same structure is found, a ‘great voice' being there attributed to the first and third angels, but not to the second.

If any man worshippeth the beast and his image, and receiveth a mark upon his forehead or on his hand. Such is the cry of the third angel as he proclaims judgment to all the followers of the beast. These we have already met at chap. Revelation 13:16. In the description the order of the two words ‘forehead' and ‘hand' is changed, but the construction of cases is the same.

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Old Testament