Revelation 20:1. And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key of the abyss and a great chain upon his hand. We have here the second angel after the appearance of the Lord Himself at chap. Revelation 19:11. This angel comes down ‘out of heaven,' commissioned therefore by God, and clothed with His power. He has the key of the ‘abyss,' which can be no other than that of chaps. Revelation 9:1-2; Revelation 11:7, and Revelation 17:8. It is the abode of Satan, the home and source of all evil. It has a key, and this key is in the hands of Christ (comp. chap. Revelation 1:18). By Him it is entrusted to the angel for the execution of His purposes. At chap. Revelation 9:2 the angel opened the abyss; here he locks it. In addition to the key the angel has a great chain upon his hand, i.e hanging over his open hand and dropping down on either side. The chain is ‘great' because of the end to which it is to be applied and its fitness to secure it.

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Old Testament