Revelation 3:4. Sardis was not wholly given over to evil, and the Lord does not less mark and approve the good than condemn the evil that was in her.

But thou hast a few names in Sardis which did not defile their garments. It is impossible to miss the play upon the word ‘names' as compared with ‘thou hast a name' in Revelation 3:1. A few had resisted the temptations to licentiousness so prevalent around them, and had maintained their Christian life and character in a manner corresponding to the pure and lofty aims of the faith which they professed. Hence the promise, again leading us back to the grace to which it is attached: they shall walk along with me in white. The grace which clothed them even here as a white robe shall become a robe of glory. Their glory shall be the very glory of their Lord, for there is force in the preposition ‘along with;' they shall be sharers in what the glorified Redeemer is.

For they are worthy (comp. for contrast, chap. Revelation 16:5-6).

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Old Testament