The opening verses of this chapter look back not upon chap. 7., but upon chap 6, and they introduce the second great series of Visions, that of the Trumpets. They thus complete one series and anticipate another. Much difficulty has, indeed, been experienced by commentators in the effort to determine whether we have all the contents of the seventh Seal in the first six verses of this chapter, or whether out of it the seven Trumpets are also developed. In the latter case the seventh Seal will really extend to chap. Revelation 15:4, or rather (for the symmetrical structure of the book will compel us to apply the same principle to the Bowls) to Revelation 16:21. It is not impossible that it should be so, but it is at least unlikely. Again, if the seven Trumpets develop themselves out of the seventh Seal, we should expect the seven Bowls to develop themselves out of the seventh Trumpet; but at chap. Revelation 15:5 there is no indication of this. Once more, the seventh Trumpet has ‘lightnings and voices and thunders' as one of the distinguishing characteristics of its close (chap. Revelation 11:19). The seventh Bowl at its close has the same (comp. Revelation 16:18-21). It is natural to think that we shall find the seventh Seal ending in the same way; and, if so, it must be at chap. Revelation 8:5, the next verse being then simply one of transition. We conclude, therefore, that the seventh Seal does not embrace the contents of the seven Trumpets. The Trumpets are an independent series of visions; and the seventh Seal, however connected with them, stands alone, completing the series of Seals.

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Old Testament