Romans 1:23. And changed. Comp. the strikingly similar passage, Psalms 106:20. ‘Exchanged' is the meaning, as in Romans 1:25, where, however, a stronger word is used.

The glory, etc. God's majesty, perfection, etc., made known as stated in Romans 1:19-21.

Incorruptible; introduced to mark the folly of the exchange.

For a likeness of an image. This expression refers both to the grosser and the more refined form of idolatry: the common people saw in the idols the gods themselves; the cultivated heathen regarded them as symbolical representations, etc.

Of corruptible man; so the Greeks universally.

Of birds, etc. The Egyptians worshipped idols of varied bestial forms, and in Rome this worship prevailed extensively. The order marks a descent to the lowest kind of idolatrous representation; even the images of reptiles were worshipped.

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Old Testament