Romans 10:9. Because. The word may mean ‘that' (as in E V.), indicating the purport of the word preached, but ‘because' is preferable here. We have then a proof that ‘the word is nigh.'

If thou shalt confess with thy month. This is placed first, to correspond with ‘in thy mouth' (Romans 10:8); after the proof is completed the order is changed (Romans 10:10).

Jesus as Lord. There is little doubt that this is the correct explanation. This confession implies that He has become Incarnate (comp. Romans 10:6: ‘who shall ascend into heaven?'); for ‘Lord' is the term applied to Jehovah in the LXX. ‘In this appellation is the sum of faith and salvation' (Bengel).

Believe in thy heart. Comp. ‘in thy heart;' Romans 10:8. ‘Heart' is to be taken in the wide Biblical sense, and not limited to the affections.

That God raised him, etc. This answers to the question of Romans 10:7. Paul always g ives prominence to this fact of Redemption. His example should be followed by all modem preachers.

thou shalt be saved. The requisites for salvation, as here stated, are: belief with the heart in the Resurrection of Jesus, not as an isolated historical event, but as involving the previous Advent of the Son of God, who is now the ascended Lord and hence confession of Him as Lord.

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Old Testament